Data driven Marketing

Our approach
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Our approach

understanding your market, your customers and tailoring your offering is what we do. Using a market map, we can determine which applications and customers are the most attractive to the business and what value drivers are at play.

Market mapping, segmentation & offering

Pivotal in our approach is a market map. In this market map, we try to represent the market in actionable segments that are distinct and will help us understand the market dynamics and value drivers better. A market map consists defines customer segments on the vertical axis and market segments on the horizontal axis. For each block, we can determine market size, growth, value add and attractiveness. Once the market map has been established and all data has been filled, we then prioritize segments. For each segment we can then formulate an offering which brings value to the customer and will drive OUR value to the customer.

Our process

1. Gather market intel

Assess market

In order to get a good understanding of the market, a market assessment can be done. Market assessments can be multi-layered:

  • either be a bottoms up exercise where the sales team fills out all data in our custom developed assessment tool,
  • either using acquired market studies
  • either using own market studies
  • web crawling

growth model

Using market indicators, we develop growth expectations per segment. Depending on the indicators, this can be a long term prognosis. Our dynamic model allows to combine near future forecasts with long term growth modeling to get a good understanding of market potential.

2. Segmentation & customer offering

Segmenting the market

In several joint working sessions, we will develop a customer and application driven segmentation. Not all customers are the same, by asking the right questions, we craft a grouping that helps us determine which segments are favourable (and actionable) and which not.

Choosing priotized segments

Building the market maps, we understand which segments hold the largest volume, the best growth, the best profit and are hence most attractive to the business. In several joint sessions we carve out prioritized segments.

Develop customer offering

In multiple joint working sessions, we help in determinging the ideal customer offering for all prioritized segments. What is driving the customer value? What can we do to help the customer? We have developed a framework that guides the offering development and comes to a weighed, actionable (service) offering that helps you win with customers.

3. Offer execution

Sales plan

Following the customer offer development, we can help in writing the sales plan, determine what supportive materials are needed, develop sales and marketing strategies, roll out CMS supportive processes and more!


We can help in automating the sales funnel. Having minimal administrative overhead while maximizing conversion.

Product innovation & path to market

We support innovation processes with a stage-gate approach: depending on the maturity of the innovation certain questions should be answered. The goal of the process is to assess market demand, size and customer desires into the decision making as early as possible in the process.
We facilitate workshops or assessments that support your innovation workflow. What features is a customer realy looking for? What drives value and what not?

High impact choices

For each gate review (throughout the innovation traject), we will define/update the high impact choices. This way, we can kill a project if it has limited outcome, or steer the innovation development in the direction of the market requirements. The gatekeepers are actively involved in the decision making and can see the assessment of the high impact choices model.

We help in assessing these choices and facilitate the process to maximize success.

Addressable market

We help you identify the portion of the market that you could profitably serve.

Unmet customer needs

We help you to identify customer needs that have significant impact and that you could potentially fulfill.

customer segments

We help to identify and target the customers who are most likely to modify their behavior in response to our value proposition.

Key decision makers

We help you define the decision makers in the value chain.

Desired behaviors

What is the behavior your customers should have?

Path to market

How to bring the product to market?

Customer value proposition

How much value do you bring with the product? And what would be a correct price setting?

Technology & application dev

Do you possess the right technology and are there supporting application development required?

Market activation plan

How can we activate the market? What are my alpha customers?

Manunfacturing capabilities

Are there additional investments needed in capabilities?